How does Medallion deliver?

Medallion is built upon principles that ensure verifiability, independence, trust, flexibility, and a commitment to continuous achievement across all aspects of an  individual’s life.


Verification and Immutability

Medallion uses advanced technology to provide a secure, verifiable, and permanent way to record and showcase achievements, awards, and credentials.


Portability and Customization

Medallion's digital badges are portable, easily shareable, and can be customized with branded and engaging designs, allowing individuals to showcase their accomplishments across different platforms.


Engagement and Community

Medallion's platform fosters a community of like-minded achievers, enabling organizations to maintain active and engaged communities, while also providing integrated rewards and benefits to incentivize and motivate individuals.


Operational Efficiency

Medallion automates the verification process, significantly reducing administrative overhead and costs for organizations compared to traditional manual methods.


Why was Medallion launched?

As I transitioned from South Africa to the United States, I encountered an unexpected challenge: despite possessing a distinguished degree, the disparity and complexity of the credential verification process in the U.S. significantly diminished its value.

This experience underscored for me a critical flaw in our current credentialing system—it's outdated and lacks global integration. As the founder of this initiative, I am driven by a vision where no individual's hard-earned achievements are undervalued due to such systemic limitations.

My aim is to ensure that the recognition of success transcends borders, reflecting the true merit of one's accomplishments.


We innovate as a team to build the extraordinary

Our collective experience spans finance, fine art, media, entrepreneurship, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and more.

Daniel Schmerin

Co-Founder and President

Jennifer Roebuck


Shain Lafazan


Rick Chi 


Chris Uhrig

Business Developer

Ellen Ablow

Marketing Growth Manager

Noelle Reno

Business Development

Federica Berra

Marketing Manager

Izzy Kim

Product Manager

William Rech

Creative Director

Ben Bennitt

Product Designer

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